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Meet Rod Schwartz

I understand what it takes to get and keep advertisers on the air.

For 48 of my 50 years in radio advertising sales, I was the top biller at the stations I worked for. Every month. It wasn’t a goal I intentionally pursued but rather a byproduct of what I did pursue: my clients’ successful use of radio. I studied advertising, experimented, and learned everything I could from my failures and successes. I was a lousy delegator but became a pretty decent writer and producer.

Jerry Vigil of Radio and Production Magazine once wrote,

Rod Schwartz is an account executive, a salesman, being interviewed for a production magazine. But wait … he’s not your ordinary salesman. Rod knows a few things about what we do, too, particularly when it comes to what makes radio advertising work for his clients. And he’s been making those ads work for decades at the same stations in the small market of Pullman, Washington. (Full interview here and here.)

One of the things I learned early in my career was the importance of bringing ideas to prospective advertisers, creating opportunities for them to speak to the masses, one listener at a time.  Most businesspeople are so preoccupied with running their businesses that they haven’t the time or energy to devote to marketing. This is where a good advertising rep can be of enormous help to his or her clients, supplying them with ideas and opportunities to engage prospective new customers.

My family and I started our audio creation and syndication business, Grace Broadcast Sales (GBS), in 1991, to equip radio salespeople with a steady stream of ideas, based on my own successes with advertisers. As other stations embraced our work and began requesting additional promotions, that success multiplied. The features offered here have been tested and proven to attract advertisers in markets of every size. And it’s easy to test the waters risk-free with the free demos provided for every campaign, enabling your sales team to present and presell them before committing to buy.  If you’d like to brainstorm ideas for your station and advertisers, I’m just a phone call away (509-592-0148) and would love to visit with you.

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